Photos taken 17 February 2007. Click each photo to enlarge, or click here for the whole gallery.

Photos taken 19 February 2007 at China Camp State Park in San Rafael, California.

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California Street, San Francisco


Far from Yare, Pt. Reyes, CA

That bridge again.

I take pictures every day with my Canon Powershot G6.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Bolinas, California and China Camp State Park

Happy The-weekend-after-President's Day Weekend! Last Saturday, I took a little trip up to Bolinas - the town that doesn't want any visitors. It was my first time visiting Bolinas, which sits on a small peninsula between a lagoon and the Pacific Ocean about 20 miles north of San Francisco in Marin County.

Water was being sucked out of Bolinas Lagoon by the tide, and it was flowing into the ocean like a river. There were several kayakers and surfers enjoying the resulting choppy water. Here's a little video I took:

The beach at Bolinas is covered with shells and interesting rocks. You just can't help picking up a few.

The following Monday, Jay and I celebrated the Chinese New Year by going to China Camp State Park with our friend, Allison.

I got some pretty good photos both days. Click here to visit the galleries.

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  • I'm Matty G
  • I grew up in Grand Island, Nebraska. Now I live smack in the middle of San Francisco.

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